Crime Compliance Worksheet2018-11-06T13:19:16-08:00

Crime/Fidelity Compliance Worksheet

Worksheet to Comply with the Crime/Fidelity Requirements of California’s Assembly Bill No. 2912 (New Civil Code Section 5806)

    Please note that the values collected in this worksheet will remain confidential and, along with the email address, will not be shared with any third party.

    Association Name *

    Your Name *

    Your Email *   (Where we will send the resulting report)

    # of Units: *


    Master Earthquake Deductible: *


    Total Insurable Value: *


    (Refer to the Earthquae Insurance Property Statement of Values)

    Loss Limit of Coverage: *


    [calculate_button "Calculate"]

    Deductible Owed:


    [calculation calculation-720 "total_insurable_value*(1/master_eq_deductible)"]

    The clock is ticking!

    [tminus t= "01-01-2019 00:00:00" omitweeks="true" style="womprat" jsplacement="inline"/]]

    GREAT WORK on completing the worksheet. Before you request the report, please let us know how you'd like to proceed: *

    (Check One)

    Learn More


    Governor Signs First-Ever Mandatory Fidelity/Crime Insurance Requirements for California CIDs

    Jacqui Irwin, a California Assembly Member from Thousand Oaks, drafted a change to the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act, which, along with other much-needed financial controls, requires Crime/Fidelity protection for California CIDs at specific limits.

    Read more →